Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Cruisin' with the Mays Family in St. Lucia, Antigua, St. Maarten, and St. Thomas

WEDNESDAY. It was fun walking around and looking in the many shops in Castries, St. Lucia. Rob, Marcus, and AJ went to the airport while the rest of us took a water taxi back to the ship.

Rob had fun playing with Olivia. The cabin steward created a bat which is "flying" from the ceiling.

THURSDAY. On the island of Antigua, Laurie, Erika, and Olivia stayed on the ship while Rob, Marcus, Jessica, AJ, Monica and John went on a kayak/snorkeling excursion. In the afternoon we walked around St. John's. Later, Marcus, AJ, Erika, and Jessica geared up for some rock climbing .

FRIDAY. On St. Maarten, all of us went on a Treetop Adventure except for Erika and Olivia. It involved zip lines, bridges, and rope swings. We had a great time.

Monica is on the bridge; while Jessica is on the zip line.

SATURDAY. Rob and Laurie went parasailing on St. Thomas. It was fantastic! We all went shopping that afternoon and Grandma Laurie couldn't resist buying a shirt for Olivia.

The shirt says, "Help, mom's having a bad day, call 1-800-Grandma"

1 comment:

-erika :) said...

Yahoo... Hopefully you didn't even break anything. The last picture of Livvy in her shirt is so cute.